yesterday I finished up the kaleidescope quilt which I'm calling I see with my little eye and as of this afternoon it has been signed, sealed and delivered. I think I made record time with this quilt and completed the project in ten days - of course I had terrific motivation with the fact that the child it is for decided to come 3 weeks early!
top batik fabrics, back 'juvenile jungle print, 100% cotton materials.
That's a beautiful quilt! 10 days? I'm impressed!
Hi, just dropped by to say hello and wow! what a beautiful quilt! I am sure it will be treasured and passed down through the years. Such beautiful work! Blessings, Kathleen
beautiful. mmmmmm.
Humm- can't imagine why it has taken me so long to find this "other you" blog! I love that quilt. You're doing well - I have a baby quilt to get done - and it is taking more than 3 weeks ! I tried to send a response to your nice comment about the pop up paws - but no joy since you are on "no reply" or something. ANyway - thanks so much !
Did I mention that I am in love with Stella? White (or mostly white)cats are angel messengers you know!
FABULOUS quilts! I have experimented with quilting, but never taken on something this big. Maybe I'll get inspired now. Do you do the actual quilting by hand or by machine?
thanks everyone for your comments!!
it is very nice having an angel cat in the studio overseeing the activity.
barbara - thanks for visiting. I do quilting by hand.... machine quilting intimidates me although one day I want to get over that fear. one day.
Dear Kim, you probably don't remember me - I'm Milan from Bratislava and I was in Cleveland 8years ago - you took me and my friends to an Amish village down South. I never forgot those days. I accidentally found this page on the web - you're doing a great job - I never knew quilts could be so beautiful. And a great blog, too. Love from over the ocean.
Coucou Kimy !
I'm just noticing that my egg picture is not so different from your kaleidescope quilt. Don't you think so ? Each egg is differently coloured and has the same shape than the others and what is beautiful, is to see them all together in the same frame
milan - I admit I'm awful matching names with faces from years ago. but do remember the trips and all the activities with the soros group!!! if you read this reply email me at kimyanoshikatgmaildotcom (I've spelled it out, but you know what to do) to help me 'fill in the blanks) fun that you found me!!!
Dear Kim,
I just wrote you an email but it came back somehow, although I checked the address. So I give you mine - luknar at susch dot sk.
Great to hear from you!
milan - whoops! I wrote my address wrong. I'll email you the correct one and please resend! if you have a picture of yourself send it along to jog my name and face memory!!!
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