well it hasn't been as long between posts as the last time I gave a studio update, but it's still been a while. on my list of resolutions for 2009 is to be a little bit more attentive to the magical mouse blog. one of the secrets for meeting goals is to set realistic goals -with respect to the magical mouse blog, my intention is to post once each month - if I post more frequently great, but again set realistic goals. I can feel good about meeting my resolution this month - hey I even have days to spare!

the first quilt I finished in the new year is a baby quilt which I am calling the
kitty cat garden. I selected a broad assortment of both bright and softly colored fabrics. many of the fabrics feature veggies or whimsically themed prints.
lately I have gotten into stitching words on the borders of quilts. this quilt features several lines from a longfellow poem:
kind hearts are the gardens
kind thoughts are the roots
kind words are the flowers
kind deeds are the fruit

outside of this baby quilt most of the projects undertaken the last couple months have been little useful items which I made to give as holiday quilts - some of these projects include using tee shirts from last year's peace show to make a tote bags such as this one. unfortunately I forgot to take a photo of the next peace show tote - it featured several improvements over this one as I learned much

the words on the back of the tee-shirt I used as a center panel in a pillow for a friend who just happened to win
this quilt last year and has it hanging in his bedroom.

I also made a lot of these handy little cloth wallets:

a few placemat and napkin sets for various friends. nothing fancy, just useful items with fabric which reminded me of them.

one friend is a collector of day of the dead objects, so I thought this would go well
another friend has a fondness for the provence and the colors yellow and blue