in interviewing the woman who has commissioned the quilt I learned that the couple who will be receiving the quilt are nature and animal lovers, their home is decorated in warm, earth colors - oh, and they are mega dog lovers. they know the baby is a boy. I used this information as the building blocks for the quilt. for the top I choose a palate of colors that I consider earth colors, although I don't know if one would consider them warm as there's quite a bit of spark at play.
the blocks are scrappy (I think I might have used eight or ten different fabrics), however, the center of each block uses the same fabric - this fabric features images of woodland creatures. a fussy square showcasing an animal face is the center square for each block. repeating bands of color act as sashing strips combining the blocks.
on monday I layered the quilt and now am in the process of hand-stitching the layers. the blocks which measure 6 1/2 inches are a bit too big for tying, which I consider the quickest method of layer attachment. by the way, the fabrics I chose for the back address the love for dogs that the couple has - photos to come. when complete the quilt will measure approximately 52 inches square. I tend to make 'baby quilts' large enough to accompany the child as he or she grows and I prefer fabrics that aren't too babyish.