generally I like to take pictures of finished quilts outside in the backyard, however winter has arrived and conditions aren't very conducive for my typical clothesline shots.

so here you go - ta da - a studio shot - literally!

although I haven't posted anything in over a month, it's not because I haven't been sewing and stitching away. well, maybe I haven't been too far away, but I am working on a few projects. there are babies happening out there and I'm doing my part to make sure that babies get a handmade quilt to help promote sweet dreams. and then there are some other life passage projects ongoing....
this quilt I'm calling the lullaby village. for the last quilt I hand stitched quotes about reading around the border. I kind of liked doing that and decided it would be fun to add words to my bag of tricks - this quilt has some lines from the well known lullaby
hush little baby, don't say a word. this quilt was commissioned for a little boy who entered the world during november (we thought he was coming in december - whoops!) . well, he joined a very loving family and I'm sure he doesn't really care that his welcome to the world quilt was a bit late. the quilt is being given to him by his mother's cousin and her mother (don't ask me how to represent those kinship relationships in words!). I'm very happy to say that all three siblings in this family have magical mouse quilts to cuddle up with. at times tradition is a good thing.
this quilt is measured 52 x 52 and constructed of 100% natural materials