this week I
finally finished the fourth quilt in the 'cycle' of healing quilts I am making for some of the loved ones richard left behind. artistically speaking I can't say the quilt will rock anyone's world. but the fact that it is composed of the knit- shirts that richard lived in and favored and many

of the squares showcase emblems, places and activities in which richard was involved I know that the quilt is one which will evoke fond memories. if in these memories the family finds a little comfort then the quilt - simple as it is artistically and design-wise - will be a family heirloom and therefore a masterpiece.
I'm anxious to start cutting up fabrics for a new project (always my favorite part of making a quilt) but I still have the two baby quilts that are waiting to be completed. my motto these days is 'I should be stitching' but unfortunately there is a conspiracy against me in both the travel and weather departments this month. so far I wandered off to new england for nearly a week and in less than two weeks I will be heading out again - this time to the land of longhorns, longnecks, and lousy-politicians ('home' of that is). weather-wise it's been glorious - geez, I hope I haven't jinxed things by saying that - but blue skies and beaconing garden beds are often hard to resist!